Tämä lista sisältää arkkitehtuuriin, rakentamiseen, kaupunkisuunnitteluun, neuroarkkitehtuuriin ja kaupunkitilan kokemiseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta ja artikkeleita.
Painettu kirjallisuus
- Alexander, Christopher.1979. The Timeless Way of Building. Oxford University Press, New York. ISBN 978-0-19-502402-9
- Alexader, Christopher; Ishikawa, Sara; Silverstein, Murray, et al. 1977. A Pattern Language – Towns , Buildings, Construction. Oxford University Press, New York. ISBN 978-0-19-501919-3
- de Botton, Alain. 2008. The Architecture of Happiness. ISBN 978-9-51135-512-0
- Ellard, Colin. 2015. Places of the Heart: The psychogeography of everyday life. New York: Bellevue Literary Press. ISBN 978-1-942658-00-9
- Gehl, Jan; Svarre, Birgitte. 2013. How to stydy public life. Washington DC, USA: Island Press. ISBN 978-1-61091-423-9
- Gehl, Jan. 2010. Cities for People. Washington DC, USA. Island Press. ISBN 978-1-59726-573-7
- Gehl, Jan. 2011. Life between buildings – Using Public Space. Washington DC, USA. Island Press. ISBN 978-1-597726-827-1
- Goldhagen, Sarah Williams. 2017. Welcome to your world – How the build environment shapes our lives. HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN 978-0-06299-604-6
- Haapala, Arto;Puolakka, Kalle; Rannisto, Tarja. et al. 2015. Ympäristö, estetiikka ja hyvinvointi. SKS. ISBN 978-952-222-688-4
- Hautajärvi, Harri; Heikonen, Juhana; Kummala, Petteri; Tuomi, Timo, 2021. Kenen kaupunki?. Docomo Suomi Finland ry. ISBN 978-952-69679-0-5
- Hollander, Justin B.; Sussman, Ann., Mondschein A. 2020. Urban Experience and Design: Contemporary perspectives on improving the public realm. Taylor & Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-0-36743-555-4
- Häyrynen, Maunu; Wallin, Antti. 2017. Kulttuurisuunnittelu – Kaupunkikehittämisen uusi näkökulma. SKS. ISBN 978-952-222-8949
- Jacobs, Jane. 1993. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Modern Library, New York. ISBN 978-0-679-64433-0
- Johnson, Christie C.; Yong, Jenny. 2017. Making places for people – 12 questions every designer should ask. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-1-138-86064-3
- von Kramer, Nicolas; Uotila, Marjo; Varpio, Mika. et al. 2022. Kohti kauniimpaa kaupunkia. INTBAU Finland ry, ISBN 978-952-94-6855-3
- Montgomenry, Charles. 2015. Happy City: Transforming our lives through urban design. Great Britain: Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-141-04754-6
- Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2014. Kohtaamisia. Ntamo. ISBN 978-952-215-557-3
- Pallasmaa, Juhani; Korpinen Pekka. 2021. Muutos ja pysyvyys – Keskustelua taiteesta ja arkkitehtuurista. AtlasArt. ISBN 978-952-7345-11-5
- Pallasmaa, Juhani; Robinson, Sarah. 2017. Mind In Architecture – Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design. The MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-53360-7
- Ruggles, D.H. 2017. Beauty, Neuroscience & Architecture: Timeless patterns & their impact on our well-being. Denver, Colorado: Fibonacci, LLC. ISBN 978-0-692-92862-2
- Sim, David. 2019. Soft City: Building Density for Everyday Life. Washinton DC, USA: Island Press. ISBN 978-1-64283-018-7
- Sitte, Camillo. 1986. The Birth of Modern City Planning. Dover Publications Inc. New York. ISBN 978-0-486-45118-3
- Sussman, Ann; Hollander, Justin B. 2014. Cognitive Architecture – Designing for how we respond to the built environment. Taylor & Francis Ltd, ISBN 978-0-41572-469-2
- Speck, Jeff. 2018. Walkable City Rules – 101 steps to making better places. Island Press. ISBN 978-1-61091-898-5
- Tuomi, Timo. 2005. Kaupunkikuvan muutokset. SKS. ISBN 951-746-754-0
- Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio. Noin 30-20 eaa. Suom. 2022. Vitruvius – Arkkitehtuurista. Gaudeamus Oy. ISBN 978-952-345-200-8
Sähköiset dokumentit
- Alamoush, Saja Jamil; Kertész, András. 2022. Imageability of cities in regards of attractiveness: A case of Salt City in Jordan, AKJournals, Vol 17, Issual 1, Pollack Periodica
https://doi.org/10.1556/606.2021.00385 - Bond, M. 6.6.2017. The hidden ways that architecture affects how you feel, BBC Future article
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170605-the-psychology-behind-your-citys-design - Coburn, Alex; Vartanian, Oshin; Chatterjee, Anjan. 2017. Buildings, Beauty, and the Brain: A Neuroscience of Architectural Experience. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. p. 1-11. May 11, 2017
https://repository.upenn.edu/neuroethics_pubs/147/ - Fairley, Julia. 2018. Neuroarchitecture: The new frontier in architecture. Nettiartikkeli. RocaGallery
http://www.rocagallery.com/the-built-environments-new-frontier - Hentilä, Helka-Liisa; Wiik, Maarit. 2003. Kaupunkikuva asukkaiden kokemana. Vantaan kokeiluprojektin kuvaus. Suomen ympäristö 619. Ympäristöministeriö, Helsinki. ISSN 1796-1637
http://hdl.handle.net/10138/40400 - Pegors, Teresa K. 2014. The Perception and Evaluation of Visual Beauty. Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. 1403.
https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/1403 - Salingaros, N. Lavdas, A. 10/2022. Architectural Beauty: Developing a Measurable and Objective Scale. ResearchGate
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364970410_Architectural_Beauty_Developing_a_Measurable_and_Objective_Scale - Spiers, Hugo; Barry, Caswell. 2015. Neural systems supporting navigation. ScienceDirect. Elsevier
https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S2352154614000151 - Sussman, A. Salingaros, N. Lavdas, A. 4.7.2021. Visual Attention Software: A New Tool for Understanding the “Subliminal” Experience of the Built Environment. Research Gate
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353000124_Visual_Attention_Software_A_New_Tool_for_Understanding_the_Subliminal_Experience_of_the_Built_Environment - Sussman. A. Ward, J. 27.11.2017. Game-Changing Eye-Tracking Studies Reveal How We Actually See Architecture. Common Edge
https://commonedge.org/game-changing-eye-tracking-studies-reveal-how-we-actually-see-architecture/ - Varpio, Mika. 13.3.2023. Yhteisen kaupunkitilan arvottaminen. Blogi.
https://aistimaa.fi/blog/yhteisen-kaupunkitilan-arvottaminen/ - Zhang, Myles. 2014. The Legacy of Vitrivius. Essee.
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